The complete broadcast is available on PLAY SRF.

SRF Top Shots
TV shows
SRF Top Shots: Christian Bobst – The Gris-gris Wrestlers of Senegal
For the SRF series “Top Shots”, we were able to accompany Zurich-based photographer Christian Bobst on a trip to Senegal. He takes pictures with the wrestlers in Senegal, with the “Lutteurs sénégalaises”. The Senegalese Lutte is very similar to the Swiss “schwingen”, includes a pinch of voodoo and big bets.
Christian Bobst won for this reportage the 2nd place at the World Press Photo Award 2016 in the category “Sport Stories”.
Laurin Merz
Beat Häner
Management SRF
Martin Schilt
First broadcasted
04.2016, SRF1